The only card we will charge is the one currently on file for your account. If you would like to use an alternate card, we will need you to update your credit card details through your account page. Sign in to your account and then click on your name located at the top right hand side of the page. Select My Account and go to Billing Details. Select Update Billing to add your new credit card details.
Articles in this section
- I have an item and love it so much that I don't want to send it back! Can I buy it from you?
- How do I purchase an Item?
- Will the items be discounted?
- Why is the Buy option disabled for some items?
- Can I return a piece after I purchase it?
- Can I buy a piece that I have not tried?
- Can I purchase a Try-Then-Buy item in a different size than the one I closeted?
- A garment I want is on the Express site, but not on rental site. When will you have it?
- What if I already sent a piece back that I loved and now want to buy it?
- Can I use a different credit card than the one attached to my Express Style Trial account in order to pay for my purchase?